Hamilton College joins OLH LPS model

Posted by Martin Paul Eve on 29 October 2015


We are extremely pleased to announce that Hamilton College has joined the Open Library of Humanities’ Library Partnership Subsidy system. Hamilton College prepares students for lives of meaning, purpose, and active citizenship. Guided by the motto “Know Thyself,” the College emphasizes intellectual growth, flexibility, and collaboration in a residential academic community. Hamilton students learn to think independently, embrace difference, write and speak persuasively, and engage issues ethically and creatively. One of America’s first liberal arts colleges, Hamilton enables its students to effect positive change in the world.

The Open Library of Humanities is an academic-led, gold open-access publisher with no author-facing charges. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the platform covers its costs by payments from an international library consortium, rather than any kind of author fee.

Dr. Martin Paul Eve, a founder and academic project director of the OLH, welcomed Hamilton: “ASIANetwork Exchange, co-edited by Hamilton Professor Lisa Trivedi, was among the first journals to join OLH. I am, therefore, delighted that the institution has decided to support the OLH model where we seek to bring a mode of open access to the humanities and social science disciplines that is affordable and that treats these subject areas as first-class citizens”.

David L. Smallen, Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology, said, “Supporting open access initiatives, such as the OLH, is one way to help us shape a future in which information is readily available to all who need it.”

Journals wishing to join the platform should submit an initial enquiry to martin.eve@openlibhums.org. After the September launch of the OLH, applications will be be subject to the platform's joining procedure. Libraries outside the US and UK interested in joining the OLH Library Partnership Subsidy model should contact Dr. Martin Paul Eve: martin.eve@openlibhums.org. UK-based libraries can join through Jisc Collections at http://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/Catalogue/Overview/Index/2120. US-based libraries can join through LYRASIS at https://lyrasis.openlibhums.org.