OLH opens for submissions

Posted by Martin Paul Eve on 3 December 2014

Typewriter Keys

We are very pleased to announce that the OLH is now open for submissions to its new megajournal, which covers the humanities disciplines. The submission platform, developed by Ubiquity Press, is based upon PKP's excellent Open Journal Systems, but has been extensively modified to accommodate the editorial flow that is needed in a highly-distributed, large-scale system. We intend to release the source code for these modifications under an open license in the near future.

The OLH Editorial Team is made up of a network of leading academics from the international scholarly community, with Section Editors covering all of the humanities disciplines, including:

  • History
  • Theology & Religious Studies
  • Literature & Languages
  • Modern & Ancient Languages
  • Philosophy
  • Cultural Studies & Critical Theory
  • Film, TV & Media Studies
  • Musicology, Drama & Performance
  • Classics
  • Art, Design & Art History
  • Legal Theory
  • Digital Humanities
  • Politics & Political Theory

We are also pleased to say that negotiations on the set of initial journals that will share an economy of scale and our economic model are well underway. More announcements on this front will be forthcoming in the near future. In the meantime, we would ask those who pledged articles to now begin to submit your work! We are aiming for a launch next year between May and Summer 2015. Thank you for your ongoing support in the creation of an open research and dissemination ecosystem for the humanities!



Image by Pekka Nikrus under a CC BY-NC-SA license.