Andy Byers, developer and co-founder of Janeway participates in the editorial board of the Open Access Journals Toolkit

Posted by Paula Clemente Vega on 4 July 2023

OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association) and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) have released a new Open Access Journals Toolkit. The Toolkit is a collaborative project developed with input from a diverse editorial board including our own Andy Byers, Senior Publishing Technologies Developer and co-founder of OLH diamond open access journal publishing platform, Janeway.

"It was a pleasure to work with colleagues from across the open access publishing space to write articles on technical aspects of publishing for the Open Access Journals Toolkit", said Andy Byers.

The launch of the Toolkit marks a significant milestone in the efforts of OASPA and DOAJ to promote transparency, accessibility, and inclusivity in scholarly publishing. The Toolkit answers a need for an online resource to support new and established open access journals in navigating the rapidly changing landscape of open access publishing. The Open Access Journals Toolkit design process began in November 2022 and ended in June 2023.

Key features of the Toolkit include:

A user-friendly and accessible website with easy navigation and search functionality, adhering to W3C accessibility guidelines, making it simple for all users to find relevant information and resources, regardless of how they access the Internet.

A curated collection of resources covering various aspects of open access publishing, such as editorial policies, licensing, metadata and indexing.

Practical guidelines and templates to help publishers establish and maintain high-quality open access journals.

A downloadable version to support those whose connections may not allow consistent browsing of the web version.

To be available in several languages, the French version launching shortly.

Read the full announcement on the OASPA blog

Access the new Open Access Journals Toolkit.