Transforming Scholarship in the Digital Environment
Posted by Martin Paul Eve on 21 July 2016

OLH Director Dr Caroline Edwards recently addressed an audience at Senate House, University of London, giving a talk as part of the School of Advanced Study's "Social Scholar" seminar series – a series of talks designed to explore the 'social' aspect of research, including social media, public engagement, and digital humanities.
Caroline's talk was titled "Transforming Scholarship in the Digital Environment" and considered how the digital environment is transforming our scholarly practices. She discussed how new online platforms for publishing and academic social networking are reshaping our scholarly communities, challenging traditional understandings of editing, authorship, and peer review. In particular, she addressed the question of "openness" in terms of access to published scholarly materials, as well as emerging projects to open up the research process to scrutiny and collaboration.
You can watch the talk in full here or view the embedded video below. You can also view the slides from Caroline's talk below.
CLICK HERE to view "Transforming Scholarship in the Digital Environment" – PowerPoint Slides.