Our Commitment to Accessibility

Posted by Andy Byers & Steph Driver on 19 March 2024

At the Open Library of Humanities we believe in the power of accessible publishing to foster inclusivity. We are embarking on a project to make it possible for those using Janeway to be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2 AA) standards.

Steph Driver, Publishing Technologies Developer, will be leading this project with support from the rest of the Janeway development team.


Today we are making our Accessibility Project public. You can track our progress at any time and join in our discussions.

We have three key aspects to the project

  1. Janeway functionality will support WCAG 2.2 AA compliance by the end of 2024. Work will begin on this immediately and changes will start showing in version 1.6 of Janeway (to be released in April 2024) and in version 1.7 (to be released in June 2024).
  2. Accessibility work will be user-led. We want to hear your ideas, to read your comments, to know your priorities.
  3. This is not just about online content, we are revising all our communications and procedures.

Looking into 2025 and beyond, having made it possible to meet the WCAG standards, our focus will turn to improving user content: i.e. helping you and your authors make your content more accessible.

Please note that some elements on the project board are private (as they may relate specifically to one customer install) so you may not be able to see all issue cards.