MIT Linguistics Faculty Statement of Support for Glossa and Open Library of Humanities

Posted by Martin Paul Eve on 17 February 2016


Today, the linguistics faculty at MIT followed those at other universities, such as the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, in endorsing the journal run by the previous editorial board and editors of Elsevier’s journal Lingua. The new journal Glossa is supported by the Open Library of Humanities, which the faculty also endorsed.

The faculty, which includes many eminent linguists (and perhaps none more well-known in the public sphere than Noam Chomsky), wrote:

“We, the undersigned linguistics faculty of MIT, state our strong support for the principle of open access to scholarly communication, as affirmed in the Open Access Policy of the MIT Faculty. In the context of this commitment, we also state our strong support for the editorial team that recently left the journal Lingua and started the fair open access journal Glossa. We firmly expect that Glossa will inherit and exceed the quality and reputation of the earlier journal. We applaud MIT’s support for the Open Library of Humanities, the organization that, together with the LingOA initiative, is underwriting Glossa. We pledge to further the aims of open access in our actions as editors, reviewers, and authors.”

The statement was signed by Adam Albright, Sylvain Bromberger, Noam Chomsky, Michel DeGraff, Kai von Fintel, Edward Flemming, Suzanne Flynn, Danny Fox, Martin Hackl, James Harris, Irene Heim, Sabine Iatridou, Michael Kenstowicz, Samuel Jay Keyser, Shigeru Miyagawa, Wayne O’Neil, David Pesetsky, Norvin Richards, Roger Schwarzschild, Donca Steriade, and Kenneth Wexler.

You can read the original announcement on the MIT website.