Katarina Wiberg

OLH library board
National Library of Sweden

Katarina Wiberg works as Open Access Officer at the National Library of Sweden (NLS). Since 2017, the NLS has had a governmental directive to coordinate the national development of Open Access to scholarly publications. Katarina is currently also Project Manager for developing national guidelines for Open Science, the most recent government directive on Open Science for the NLS. She represents the NLS and Sweden within OpenAIRE and represents the NLS in OPERAS, where she participates in the Special Interest Group Open Access Books Network. Katarina has previously worked as Senior Analyst at the Swedish Library Association with a focus on research libraries, copyright, and digital privacy. She has also worked as Research Officer at the National Museum in Stockholm and as Programme Director at the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT). Her educational background is the Cultural Studies Program at Stockholm University with a focus on Archaeology. She has also studied Archival Sciences at the Mid Sweden University.

Statement of interest.

“I strongly support the mission of the Open Library of Humanities to provide a sustainable, not for profit, diamond Open Access publishing platform for the humanities. My experience working on different Open Access issues, such as the national platform for Swedish Open Access journals, which the National library of Sweden (NLS) has developed and hosts, is directly relevant to the Board’s work. Being a member of the Library Board gives me the opportunity to meet and collaborate with library colleagues from different countries and learn from their experience.”