Dr Katherine Parker-Hay
Katherine holds a PhD in English from the University of Sussex, specialising in Critical Theory and Gender Studies. Alongside her work in editorial, she works on cross-team projects and conducts user experience research, harnessing disparate perspectives to bring about shared benefits.
Katherine cares about creating meaningful structural change in academia and using psycho-social methods to understand collective behaviour. Her previous academic experience brings together these two areas, and includes work with the NHS, designing creative writing programmes to tackle anxiety and depression, research into womens’ barriers into higher education, and a project investigating the ethics of PhD supervision.
Katherine is into yoga, hillwalking, wild swimming and bouldering, and can often be found curled up with a book or satiating a voracious appetite for documentaries. When not working for OLH, she enjoys playing scent games with her spirited whippet Baby Ghislaine.
Selected publications.
Dawn of the Zombie Journal: New Poster Celebrates History of OA Community Activism
Choosing the Open Library of Humanities journal (OLHJ) as the Publisher for your Special Collection
An interview with Special Collection editors Bettina Bildhauer, Camilla Røstvik and Sharra Vostral on the Politics and History of Menstruation
Research into Janeway user needs during copyediting, co-researched with Joseph Muller