Theo Andrew

OLH library board
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom

Theo Andrew is the Scholarly Communications Manager at the University of Edinburgh and has over 20 years of experience of working in an academic research library setting. Theo has a strong background in open access publishing, having worked on projects to promote and support open scholarship both within the University of Edinburgh and internationally. His work focuses on enabling researchers and students to adopt open research practices in their everyday work activities. Leading the Scholarly Communications Team, he provides specialised training, tools, advocacy, and support services for Open Research at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to working in the Library, Theo trained as a Field Geologist and has a PhD in Geoscience.

Statement of interest.

“Open access is essential for the future of the humanities by making scholarly research more accessible to a wider audience and helping to ensure that humanities scholarship is not limited by economic barriers. Having seen the impact of new business models – initially ‘Article Processing Charges’, and more recently the so called ‘Read & Publish’ or ‘Transformative Agreements’ – adopted by commercial publishers, which have shifted economic barriers from readers to authors, I am committed to working towards making open access publishing free and equitable for all though the promotion of ‘Diamond OA’ initiative. I believe the OLH has already played an important part in making this mission a reality and can contribute a lot more in the years to come. Sustainable growth through developing and nurturing partnerships with institutions and research funders will be a key priority in making this happen.”