Results of OLH library board

Posted by Dr Paula Clemente Vega on 24 August 2023

As part of our 2023-2030 plan for sustainable growth of the OLH, we are pleased to be re-constituting our Library Board as one of three elected Advisory Boards.  We were delighted to have received such strong candidates and are very grateful to all of those who participated in the election process this summer. We are very happy to announce our 15 newly elected Library Board members who will serve for a term of three years. Below is the full list of Library Board members.

  • Agnès Ponsati, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Spain)
  • Curtis Brundy, Iowa State University (United States)
  • Demmy Verbeke, KU Leuven Libraries (Belgium)
  • Andreas Ferus, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Austria)
  • Ingrid Mason, AI for Libraries, Archives, and Museums Australasian chapter (Australia)
  • James Kessenides, Yale University (United States)
  • Katarina Wiberg, National Library of Sweden (Sweden)
  • Maureen Walsh, Ohio State University (United States)
  • Pekka Olsbo, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
  • Robert Atkinson, Birkbeck, University of London (United Kingdom)
  • Sharla Lair, Lyrasis (United States)
  • Shiela Winchester, University of Texas Libraries (United States)
  • Susanne van Rijn, Leiden University Libraries (The Netherlands)
  • Theo Andrew, University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
  • Oya Y. Rieger, Ithaka S+R (United States)

Congratulations to the new board members and many thanks to the librarians who nominated themselves and colleagues to join the OLH Library Board.

As a strictly not-for-profit publisher with no shareholders, the OLH exists purely for the intellectual and academic good of the research that we publish. This mission is shared by hundreds of stakeholders who work closely with us in extending diamond open access to the humanities – including scholars, librarians, students, other publishers, and open-source activists. We are governed by a Board of Trustees and three advisory boards: the Academic Advisory Board, the Library Board and the Publishing Technology Board. The boards meet bi-annually to review the OLH’s overall performance, discuss research and development for different user groups, vote on strategic and operational issues, and liaise with relevant stakeholders. 

The Library Board

The Library Board constitutes the community-based library governance of the OLH’s financial model. The Board provides expert advice to the OLH Executive Director and the OLH team on all matters relating to library membership. Board members are university and public library professionals as well as data management specialists elected to the board for 3-year renewable terms by the OLH library community (every participating member of the Library Partnership Subsidy, which financially supports the publishing activities of the OLH). 

What is involved?

Members of the Library Board are elected by the OLH’s library members (see here for a full list of supporting institutions) and serve a 3-year renewable term. In joining the board, board members are asked to become actively involved in discussing and making decisions relating to libraries. The Board meets bi-annually at a virtual board and may be consulted between boards on specific questions, issues, or tasks relating to library members’ needs. 

If you like the work that the Open Library of Humanities is doing, please consider asking your institution to support us financially. We cannot operate without our library members. More details for libraries can be found at:

Photo by Janko Ferlič on Unsplash