OLH launches a new journal
Posted by Dr Paula Clemente Vega on 11 January 2024

We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new Open Library of Humanities journal. Political Philosophy is edited by Prof. Robert Goodin (Australian National University) along with co-editors Christian Barry (Australian National University), Chiara Cordelli (University of Chicago), Jeffrey Howard (University College London), Nicholas Southwood (Australian National University), and Lea Ypi (London School of Economics). All the former Associate Editors and virtually all members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Political Philosophy will serve in the same capacity at the new journal, which has the full support of the international academic community.
Prof. Arash Abizadeh (McGill University), Associate Editor of Philosophy & Public Affairs, endorsed the launch of the new journal, writing on BlueSky that: “What’s new is old: After the Wiley-JPP debacle, the editors & board resigned en masse. Now those editors are founding a new, open-access journal, Political Philosophy. I think I speak for the poli[tical] phil[osophy] community in general in saying PP is the old JPP’s true successor.”
Prof. Robert Goodin writes that: “The Open Library of Humanities is an ideal platform for us to continue serving the political philosophy community even more effectively than before. We look forward to a long and happy relationship with the OLH team.”
OLH Executive Director Dr Caroline Edwards writes: “We’re so excited to be launching Political Philosophy at the Open Library of Humanities. We built an academic-led publisher to help scholarly fields transition away from commercial control and return titles to community governance.
“The so-called ‘big 5’ commercial publishers are ruining titles by pressurising editors to publish more articles to increase their profit margins. They really don’t care about academic integrity, intellectual community, or valuing the free labour scholars provide them through authoring, editing, and reviewing articles. It’s time to fight back. I’m so pleased that the Open Library of Humanities can provide a sustainable future for Political Philosophy. In the process, we’re making the journal diamond open access so authors and readers will no longer have to pay to access this important publication.”
The new journal’s website can be found at https://politicalphilosophyjournal.org. Submissions are already up and running, and anyone interested in the journal can also contact the editors through the site.
About OLH: The Open Library of Humanities is an award-winning, academic-led, diamond open-access publisher of 30 journals based at Birkbeck, University of London. With initial funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and subsequent support from Arcadia, a charitable fund, the platform covers its costs by payments from an international library consortium rather than any author fee. This funding mechanism enables equitable open access in the humanities disciplines, with charges neither to readers nor authors.
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